"Becoming a CHFA Doctor is the best decision I ever made in my practice career. After 19 years of practice as a primarily spinal based chiropractor, I enrolled into Dr. Fenell's CHFA fellowship program. My practice experienced a huge shift after I made the decision to become the hand & foot chiropractor in my community. I had bee seeing 20 patients per day for years and within six to eight months after starting the CHFA fellowship I was consistently seeing 50-60 patients per day. Before CHFA I always "dabbled" with adjusting the extremities, but never seemed as confident and as proficient as I was with spinal adjusting. My extremity adjusting skills have improved by 1000% since joining CHFA and participating in the advanced hands-on extremity training events. I am now known as the hand and foot chiropractor in my community and receive a lot more referrals than I used to before CHFA. Becoming the hand and foot chiropractor really has revolutionized my practice. Practice had never been this exciting previously! I am so grateful for the CHFA fellowship."
Dr. Tracy Russell, Bartlesville, OK
"I practice in a competitive area for chiropractors, but being a CHFA Doctor has given me a definite competitive advantage. Interestingly most DCs don't seem to adjust the hand and feet on their patients, but so many patients suffer with hand or foot problems. Becoming a Hand & Foot Chiropractor has been a real practice booster. The credibility that being affiliated with CHFA has drawn many new patients into my practice. I also enjoy the advanced training because there is always something I take away that makes a big impact on my practice from either a practice management or from an extremity adjusting technique perspective. Thank you CHFA."
Dr. Charles, McGrath, Hood River, OR